Hate Story 4 fame Ihana Dhillon was recently spotted in the latest Golden sequin & tassels outfit by Ashima S Couture's Prom Glam Collection which majorly focuses on Sequins, Tassels, Bling & intricate nuances. The actress donned the outfit as the cover girl for a leading magazine Fablook and the outfit catered to the sensuous look required for the sizzling cover of the magazine. The Golden shade went well for the actress and the entire look came out to be stunning. The actress was quoted saying ' Golden has been my favorite always as it compliments my skin tone, the sequins & bling with tassels go greatly as a trend and I'm loving my new look'
Designer & Artist Ashima Sharma with Hate story 4 fame Ihana Dhillon |
Designer Ashima Sharma recently unveiled ASHIMA S COUTURE'S Prom Glam Collection, the outfits are well received by the masses as well as the celeb circle. Every outfit of the collection has something different to offer in terms of appeal but the bling theme is kept similar in all.
Ashima Sharma with Ihana Dhillon |
Ihana Dhillon in ASHIMA S COUTURE outfit article courtesy www.ashimasgroup.blogspot.com |
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